Molested? Free Help

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    They cover it up to protect the Money Train.

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    Do you really think they are for the Righteous Man or for the Money? After all they nailed Our Jesus to the Cross even after they proved he was innocent, RIGHT?

Ask the Preacher 6 Questions Pintas and Mullins - Free Attorney 1-800-513-8777; 1-800-821-0777

Do not hide any longer:

     If you have already taken the Lessons, you know now that No Preacher in this World is following “Our Jesus' Message from the view of the Twelve.” They worship the 'god of Israel'. This is why they can molest innocent people. You hear all the time about "it is only a few bad apples" but it is much worse than that.

     Do you see? They all know it is going on but instead of stopping it and putting them in prison they cover it up. Why? They know they preach LIES. If they put them bad people in jail, they know the Truth would come out and it would end the money train.

     Take back your life. Follow the Lessons and read the Truth!!!

Catholic abuse lawsuits

     In Times Reporter:

     1-3 Year windows to file.

     300 priests abused more than 1000 children in the state of Pennsylvania alone.

     20 Catholic churches filed for bankruptcy in the U.S. as of this date.


RT America Headline News 10-12-21

     Now confirmed:

     ~320,000 kids between 10-13 years old have been molested by Catholic Priests in the past 70 years in France alone.

     You just can’t keep the priests off the little children or the other ones from covering it up to protect their Money Flow.

     Do they really care about your Family? 

     Here is what Thomas Jefferson said on any subject:

            On matters of style; swim with the current.

            On matters of principle; stand like a rock.

     - Thomas Jefferson.

Even Our Jesus tells us:

  Our Jesus tells us that the god of Israel is not his ‘God the Father’. - Luke 16:14-15

  14 Some Pharisees (god of Israel preachers), who loved money, heard all this and was sneering at Our Jesus.

  15 He said to them, “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men, but ‘God the Father’ knows your hearts. What is highly valued among men is detestable in ‘God the Fathers’ sight.

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