Ask the Preacher 6 Questions

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    Can you find what 'God the Father' wants you to know?

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    Will you climb to the top?

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    Read the Truth below!

Ask the Preacher 6 Questions: Free PDF

Questions to ask your preacher:


Try to get the answers from them first in writing. They will have every excuse in the World to make you wait for the answers. In the end you will never get them, period!

   1. Who is god?

   2. Can god do Evil?

   3. Who are god’s favored people?

   4. What makes Saul an apostle?

   5. Our Jesus was on Earth for 40 days after he came back from above the clouds. Why didn’t he appoint all the extra Apostles himself?

   6. Do we have one chance to be accepted as a person of ‘God the Fathers’?


Then after you do not get the answers as requested, look below for the True Answers given in the Book of Love. Because ‘God the Father’ is not afraid to give you the answers, but the religious impostors are.


1. Who is god?

The Answers the preacher will give you: They will say Jesus, god of Israel, and the Holy Spirit is the same person.


The correct answer is: ‘God the Father’. Here is why:

   a. But, if they are all the same person then why does Our Jesus say not to worship him but only ‘God the Father’? Jn 4:23-24; 1Jn 5:20

   b. Our Jesus said we can be his brother or sister. Mt 12:46-50; Mk 3:34-35; Lk 8:19-21

   c. Our Jesus prayed to ‘God the Father’, not himself. Jn 18:1


2. Can god do Evil?

The Answers the preacher will give you: a. They will say No. b. They may say, sometimes in the Old and New Testament.


The correct answer is: No, never will ‘God the Father’ do evil. Here is why:

   a. James 1:16-17

   16 Don’t be deceived, fellow believers.

   17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from ‘God the Father’, who does not change like shifting shadows.

   b. But, if this is true then why did the ‘god of Israel’ in Exodus tell Moses to have his people kill about 3,000 of them to be gods favorite? Exodus 32:27-28; Exodus 33:15-17.


So, now you know in your heart that this god is not the same as ‘God the Father’.


3. Who are god’s favored people?

The Answer the preacher will give you: They will say Israelite's or Israel.


The correct answer is: ‘God the Father’ shows No Favoritism. Here is why:

   James 2:1

   1 As followers of ‘God the Father’, don’t show favoritism.

   James 3:17

   17 But the wisdom that comes from the kingdom of ‘God the Father’ is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good deeds, impartial and sincere.


4. What makes Saul an Apostle?

The Answer the preacher will give you: They will say Jesus did.


The correct answer is: The god of Israel did.   Not ‘God the Father’.

Read lesson #4 - Was Paul an Apostle? How about Others?


   Here is where this comes from:

   Saul talked to a person who said he was Jesus hidden in a cloud, behind a bright light. Paul repeats this story 3 times. (Acts 9:3-6; Acts 22:6-10; Acts 26:13-16)


   Now look in your bible at: Acts 22:12-15 and then Acts 23:6. You will see that Ananias that opened Saul’s eyes was from the god of Israel. You will then see that Saul (Paul) also worshiped the god of Israel even after this event took place.


   Now look at John 9:15-16 in the ‘Book of Love’:

   15 Therefore the Pharisees also asked the man that had been blind how he had received his sight. “He put mud on my eyes,” the man replied, “and I washed, and now I see.”

   16 Some of the Pharisees said, “Our Jesus is not from the god of Israel, for he does not keep the Sabbath.” But others asked, “How can a sinner do such miraculous signs?” So they were divided.


   Now look at John 4:23-24 in the ‘Book of Love’:

   23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship ‘God the Father’ in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers ‘God the Father’ seeks.

   24 ‘God the Father’ is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”


5. Our Jesus was on Earth for 40 days after he came back from above the clouds. Why didn’t he appoint all the extra Apostles himself?

The Answer the preacher will give you: They will say he left his Apostles in charge to do His work, so they had the right to appoint the extra apostles.


The correct answer is: You can only be an Apostle if you are appointed one by Our Jesus.

Read lesson #4 - Was Paul an Apostle? How about Others? Here is why:

   a. Our Jesus did pick all his Apostles. To prove this, look at the definition of what an ‘Apostle’ is:


   Dictionary word: (To find it you must capitalize first letter.):

   ‘Apostles’ - One of Jesus Christ’s disciples: Any of the 12 followers of Jesus Christ chosen by him to preach the news about Christianity.


   b. But, if this was true then Our Jesus would have said it was ok to do so. Or he would have replaced Judas Iscariot Himself.


   So look at Acts 1:9-11 in the ‘Book of Love’:

   9 I say again this: Our Jesus floated up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. (Comes back the same way, Ac 1:11)

  10 They were looking intently up into the sky as Our Jesus was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them.

   11 “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? Our Jesus, who has been taken from you above the clouds, will come back in the same way you have seen him go above the clouds.”


   Now look at Acts 1:2 in the ‘Book of Love’:

   2 until the day he floated up above the clouds, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the Apostles he had chosen.


6. Do we have one chance to be accepted as a person of ‘God the Fathers’?

The Answer the preacher will give you: They will say you have one chance, period!


The correct answer is: It is implied that we have many chances.

Read Lesson #8 - How can I have a chance at Immortality? Here is why:


   James 1:16-18

   16 Don’t be deceived, fellow believers.

   17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from ‘God the Father’, who does not change like shifting shadows.

   18 ‘God the Father’ chooses to give us birth through His truth, when we are deemed ready of all he created.


   2Peter 3:8

   8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With ‘God the Father’ a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.




Time to Wake the World:

   Wake up to the Lies that Satan and his Preachers are feeding you. These Preachers are telling you LIES. They are doing this to keep you under their control. They want to keep you in the Physical Universe Forever because they know that they cannot leave.

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