I would like to state a question
What is a Cult?
What are the definitions of Evil?
Do they know the difference?
Weapons of Mass Deception
The 'Government' vs 'We the People'
Letter to the Preacher: How do you feel?
Does your Church pass the smell test?
Another Letter to the preacher
Obeying 'God the Father'? Rather than men?
The preacher is spreading the gospel? Really?
The churches are a SCAM!
Do we have any Hope?
The 'god of Israel' vs 'God the Father'
The Dilemma
What are we?
Do we have to submit to Satan or his evil influenced humans?
Does 'God the Father' require it?
Could you be next?
The Solar System / Universe
Our System is part of an Omniverse - Our System is 1 of 12
What am I ?
Our baby Jesus
'God the Father' is Light
Adam and Eve
Satan is a Snake
A Bitten Apple
Worship only 'God the Father'
Mary had Our baby Jesus
Our Jesus will show you the way!
The Apostles
Look inside for Answers
Praise only 'God the Father'
Our Jesus sends out his Apostles
god of Israel preachers talk of killing Our Jesus
Judas gets Money
Our Jesus being nailed to the Cross
Our Jesus was offered a drink from a sponge
Our Jesus wrapped in Tomb
The empty Tomb
I am Alive
The Apostles
Our Jesus floating up to the clouds with people watching
Messenger to crowd
Everyone loves 'God the Father'
Apostles Peter and John in jail
Paul angry at followers of 'God the Father'
The Mission:
It is not to convince anyone that the Book of Love is correct. It is to prove and show them the Truth to the Narrow Pathway. If they do not want to think and do the work, then it is on them. My mission is done fore I did what I was sent to do!
Free Will allows us to choose to worship the same god that the Preachers of old times worshiped. You know the ones that had the Roman Government kill Our Jesus and his followers. Ironically, the same god that Paul (Saul) worshiped and also who had Our Jesus’ followers killed. Even more ironic they are the same people that molest our children and steal our money, all in the name of their god (money).
Free Will allows us to follow Our Jesus’ way instead of Paul’s way. Our Jesus never mentioned nor appointed Paul an apostle before being nailed to the cross. When he came back the second time, he showed his Apostles he was alive. He taught them for another 40 days. He never gave any instruction to appoint another apostle.
It is all about Free Will.
Here is a list of questions answered and proven:
#1 - Who do you Pray to? Worship Who?
#2 - Obey your Government? Did ‘God the Father’ say this or Satan?
#3 - Did ‘God the Father’ discriminate? Did he hate?
#4 - Was Paul an Apostle? How about others?
#5 - Who was Our Jesus?
#6 - Is there a Hell?
#7 - Is it true that Christians marry Our Jesus?
#8 - How can I have a chance at Immortality?
#9 - What is the Sabbath about?
#10 -The Trinity, Communion, and 10 Commandments. Are they FAKE?
#11 -How the Bible was to be.
It will include a list of Booklets most people want to know:
#1 Satan’s Way The Churches of Today’s Way?
#2 Holidays: Easter, Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving. Is it ok to have them?
#3 Ghosts? Why are they here?
#4 The Universe is ‘God the Father’.
#5 Are there UFO events in the Book of Love? Would Our Jesus Lie?
The Appendix includes many subjects, some are:
The Solar System is self-contained.
The rest of the story of the Universe.
The third part of the story of the Solar Systems / Universes.